*Note: Carrd is in progress!
tme (trans guy)

basic dni criteria (racist, transphobic, homophobic, etc)
aren’t okay with me rt’ing resources to help trans/LGBTQ+ ppl or bipoc

i curse a lot/use caps sometimes

i like star wars and the mcu and i tend to talk about either or very very sparingly. i obviously don’t condone the actions of any of the fans and im not in the fandom.

if i forget to tag something, please let me know!

i’m not in one specific fandom atm so bare with me, i’m a little disorganized in what i tweet about or draw

if i say something that is ignorant or makes you uncomfortable please dm me, and we can talk! i would never intentionally make any of my mutuals or friends upset. i’m trying very very hard to educate myself about issues that don’t involve myself, and am always willing to correct my mistakes.

media i like
critical role (ep 43 no spoilers pls)
legend of vox machina
star wars: the clone wars
star wars: rebels
taz/tma/ahb/tbs/other podcasts
hollow knight
fromsoft games
i like a lot of other stuff too, just ask me
will tweet about various video games occasionally

i draw digitally and traditionally

my dms are always open for any reason, but i suck at answering them, and you have a better chance at reaching me on discord (dm for discord)

i generally suck at replying, but i do my best with my horrible attention span

dnd is cool and i like a lot of other ttrpgs (motw is my favorite as of rn)

favorite characters
(underlined = super comfort character)
dedue molinaro (fe3h
ignatz victor and raphael kirsten (fe3h)
kurapika (hxh)
leorio (hxh)
AHSOKA (star wars)
percy (critrole)
gon (hxh)
killua (hxh)
kite (hxh)
alluka (hxh)
lup taako (the adventure zone)
prince fluff (kirbys epic yarn)
any character from mob psycho 100
cerberus (hades)
dusa (hades)
aerith (ff7r)
tifa (ff7r)
barret (ff7r)
cloud (ff7r)
any lotr character
hearthstone (magnus chase)
kit fisto (star wars)
plo koon (star wars)
barriss offee (star wars)
riyo chuchi (star wars)
uncle iroh (atla)
any hollow knight character OR scenery
any muppets

end of carrd. thank you for reading!! scroll down for some pictures of kurapika, percy, and dedue

TW: images containing guns (like fantasy guns)

picture of dedue molinaro from fire emblem three houses, pre timeskip.
picture of dedue molinaro from fire emblem three houses, pre timeskip.
picture of dedue molinaro from fire emblem three houses, pre timeskip.
picture of dedue molinaro from fire emblem three houses, pre timeskip.
picture of dedue molinaro from fire emblem three houses, pre timeskip.
picture of dedue molinaro from fire emblem three houses, pre timeskip.
picture of dedue molinaro from fire emblem three houses, pre timeskip.
picture of dedue molinaro from fire emblem three houses, pre timeskip.
picture of dedue molinaro from fire emblem three houses, pre timeskip.
picture of dedue molinaro from fire emblem three houses, pre timeskip.
picture of dedue molinaro from fire emblem three houses, pre timeskip.
picture of dedue molinaro from fire emblem three houses, pre timeskip.
picture of dedue molinaro from fire emblem three houses, pre timeskip.
picture of dedue molinaro from fire emblem three houses, pre timeskip.
picture of dedue molinaro from fire emblem three houses, pre timeskip.
picture of dedue molinaro from fire emblem three houses, pre timeskip.
picture of dedue molinaro from fire emblem three houses, pre timeskip.